
Dancing on Salt

I just finished this book The Principles of Uncertainty by Maria Kalman, loved the jumping thoughts of everyday happenings linked to historical person/events, definitely something to read more than once.
(Published in 2009 by Penguin)


Yeasayer Yeah

Upcoming Tuesday the new album of Yeasayer will be out - very curious to how this will sound
I'm prelistening right now here


Art History

Already 2 weeks ago I went to an exhibition of Sol Lewitt in M Leuven and was very impressed by the gigantic and detailed wall drawings. Art students reproduced these well known, geometric art pieces in mostly basic colours guided by the Lewitt Studio. In collaboration with a similar exhibition in Centre Pompidou in Metz were only black&white wall drawings are shown. And according the images, this one looks worth it as well...


Smile you're on Pinterest

some retro Disneyland memories :)